Archive for December 2nd, 2009


Posted by politicalpartypooper on December 2, 2009

President Obama has made the decision to send another 30,000 troops to Afghanistan over the next six months.  Having just watched his speech, I am convinced that he knows what is at stake, and I am also convinced that he just gave the best speech of his Presidency.  It was clear, concise, full of purpose, authoritative, and encouraging toward Americans.  One other thing it was that liberals across the globe are rueing; aggressive.

President Obama laid down the gauntlet tonight, not just for America, but for the world, and more importantly, for extremist terrorists everywhere.  “America has the stomach!”, is the gist of the message, as he echoed George W Bush, who first told us that this battle against extremism would not be fought conventionally, and would not be over with quickly.

In 2001, Usama bin Laden laid down a different sort of gauntlet, telling the world that America does not have the stomach for this fight.

Maybe many Americans thought that he meant our soldiers did not have the stomach for it.  But if you thought that, I have a newsflash for you;  Usama bin Laden wasn’t speaking to our soldiers when he said that.  He was speaking to you and me; everyday Americans, whom he sees as soft, weak, pampered, spoiled, and gutless.  He was insulting America, you and me, and telling us that he was going to do what he wanted to do to us, and that we would never stop him, because we were too cowardly to do what was necessary to win.

Our soldiers have the stomach; make no mistake about it.  Do you?  Do I?  Do we have the stomach to hear about casualties, to mourn, to hope and pray, and yet remain COMMITTED to victory?

That’s they key to UBL; committment.  He believes that you and I, everyday Americans, do not have what it takes to remain committed until victory is achieved.  His is the same arrogance that every despot, every criminal regime, in fact every criminal that ever lived shares.  It is the arrogance that says, “You are too much of a coward to do anything about what I do to you; you cannot outlast me.”  It is the attitude that the Mafia in America held, and that the Nazis in Germany displayed against their victims.  It is the neighborhoo bully picking on everyone he sees because no one has owned the comittment to stop him.

President Obama has the stomach.  I know I have the stomach.  Do you?

UBL and his sad bunch of cowardly swine will never quit.  They will never stop trying to hurt us.  We cannot wish them away, and we cannot stick our heads in the sand, ever.  So if you don’t have the stomach for this type of fight, you better learn how to develop one.  Not wanting to is not an available answer.  Get over it.

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